
Crystal structure of a TRAP periplasmic solute binding protein from Chromohalobacter salexigens DSM 3043 (Csal_0678), Target EFI-501078, with bound 1,2-ethanediol

  • Deposited: 2013-10-10 Released: 2013-10-30 
  • Deposition Author(s): Vetting, M.W., Al Obaidi, N.F., Morisco, L.L., Wasserman, S.R., Sojitra, S., Stead, M., Attonito, J.D., Scott Glenn, A., Chowdhury, S., Evans, B., Hillerich, B., Love, J., Seidel, R.D., Imker, H.J., Gerlt, J.A., Almo, S.C., Enzyme Function Initiative (EFI)
  • Entry 4N5W was removed from the distribution of released PDB entries (status Obsolete) on 2014-09-03.
  • It has been replaced (superseded) by 4UAB.