
Dipeptide-binding protein

UniProtKB accession:  P23847
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  P23847
UniProtKB description:  Part of the ABC transporter DppABCDF involved in dipeptide transport (PubMed:10537211, PubMed:1702779, PubMed:7536291). Binds dipeptides and accepts a wide range of side chains, including small neutral, bulky hydrophobic, and positively and negatively charged groups (PubMed:10537211). Tripeptides are poor substrates (PubMed:10537211). DppA alone controls the specificity of the Dpp transporter (PubMed:10537211). In addition, plays a role in chemotaxis toward peptides via interaction with the chemotaxis protein Tap (PubMed:3520334, PubMed:8563629).
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