
Protein fem-1 homolog B

UniProtKB accession:  Q9UK73
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q9UK73
UniProtKB description:  Substrate-recognition component of a Cul2-RING (CRL2) E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex of the DesCEND (destruction via C-end degrons) pathway, which recognizes a C-degron located at the extreme C terminus of target proteins, leading to their ubiquitination and degradation (PubMed:29779948, PubMed:33398168, PubMed:33398170). The C-degron recognized by the DesCEND pathway is usually a motif of less than ten residues and can be present in full-length proteins, truncated proteins or proteolytically cleaved forms (PubMed:29779948, PubMed:33398168, PubMed:33398170). The CRL2(FEM1B) complex specifically recognizes proteins ending with -Gly-Leu-Asp-Arg, such as CDK5R1, leading to their ubiquitination and degradation (PubMed:33398168, PubMed:33398170). Also acts as a regulator of the reductive stress response by mediating ubiquitination of reduced FNIP1: in response to reductive stress, the CRL2(FEM1B) complex specifically recognizes a conserved Cys degron in FNIP1 when this degron is reduced, leading to FNIP1 degradation and subsequent activation of mitochondria to recalibrate reactive oxygen species (ROS) (By similarity). Mechanistically, recognizes and binds reduced FNIP1 through two interface zinc ions, which act as a molecular glue that recruit reduced FNIP1 to FEM1B (By similarity). Promotes ubiquitination of GLI1, suppressing GLI1 transcriptional activator activity (PubMed:24076122). Promotes ubiquitination and degradation of ANKRD37 (By similarity). Promotes ubiquitination and degradation of SLBP (PubMed:28118078). Involved in apoptosis by acting as a death receptor-associated protein that mediates apoptosis (PubMed:10542291). Also involved in glucose homeostasis in pancreatic islet (By similarity). May also act as an adapter/mediator in replication stress-induced signaling that leads to the activation of CHEK1 (PubMed:19330022).
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