
Capsid protein

UniProtKB accession:  P03615
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Go to UniProtKB:  P03615
UniProtKB description:  Capsid protein self-assembles to form an icosahedral capsid with a T=3 symmetry, about 26 nm in diameter, and consisting of 89 capsid proteins dimers (178 capsid proteins) (PubMed:19913556, PubMed:27671640). Involved in viral genome encapsidation through the interaction between a capsid protein dimer and the multiple packaging signals present in the RNA genome (PubMed:27671640, PubMed:8943226). Binding of the capsid proteins to the viral RNA induces a conformational change required for efficient T=3 shell formation (PubMed:19913556). The capsid contains also 1 copy of the A2 maturation protein (PubMed:27671640).
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