
Cysteine-rich protective antigen

UniProtKB accession:  Q8IFM8
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q8IFM8
UniProtKB description:  Essential for the invasion of host erythrocytes by blood stage merozoites (PubMed:22593616, PubMed:25583518, PubMed:27374406, PubMed:28195038, PubMed:28195530). Required for the assembly of the PfRH5 adhesion complex (or invasion complex) composed of CyRPA, RH5 and RIPR at the interface between the merozoite and the host erythrocyte membranes (PubMed:25583518, PubMed:28186186, PubMed:28195038, PubMed:28195530, PubMed:30542156). This facilitates the binding of RH5 to host receptor BSG/basigin, which leads to the establishment of a tight junction between the merozoite and host erythrocyte membranes and allows Ca(2+) release into the erythrocyte (PubMed:27374406, PubMed:28186186, PubMed:30542156).
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